GBC - General Business Conditions
The Aviation Pilotstore
Pinksterbloem 66
9761 LT Eelde
Fon: +31 (0)6 12299314
Published: 01-01-2014
Below you find the most important information on our offers, contract conclusion, shipping, etc. Please don't place an order if you don't agree with our terms and conditions.
The company Aviation Pilotstore offers their customers various products though the online-shop - For this purpose some issues in these terms shall apply in addition to the terms that are statutory. The aviation pilotstore tries to describe and control the offered products in shop and as good as possible. If against one`s expectations errors or obscurities occur please send us a short mail so that we can solve the problem as quick as possible.
1. Offer and contract conclusion
All offers are subject to change without notice. All technical change or changes in shape, colour or weight are subject to alterations if just and reasonable for the customer. All technical details, drawings, pictures, weights, colours, descriptions are customary approximations for this line of business. The avaition pilotstore doesn't take the risk of procurement. This purchasing contract is only valid under reserve and depends on correct and punctual supply to ourselves unless otherwise agreed to in writing.
The liability of the avaition pilotstore in regards to malicious intent, gross negligence or negligent breach of contractually significant obligations stays unaffected.
Conclusion of contract: the orders placed at the aviation pilotstore via internet, email, telephone +31 612299314 are offers, that the customer is bound to for seven (14) calender days. With the purchase order placed the customer declares bindingly that he wants to buy the contents of the shopping cart. Right after the order placement, the customer gets an email confirmation. The purchase contract is valid after reception of your online-order and when you have received an order confirmation or the products have been shipped within seven (14) days. With our expressly or implied acceptance the purchase contract is concluded, if our acceptance is valid.
2. Payment
Our shipments within the Netherlands can be paid by Ideal, Paypal or prepayment.
When shipping outside the Netherlands, payment can be done using Paypal or by wire transfer in advance.
Payment details:
Aviation Pilotstore
Pinksterbloem 66
9761 LT Eelde
Bank: RABO Bank
Bank Account No.: 148771998
IBAN: NL 95 RABO 0148771998
All bank charges must be paid by the buyer.
The buyer will also receive the bank details for the prepayment in the email confirmation right after placing the order.
The sales prices include the legal Dutch VAT of 21% or 6 %. You will find the shipping cost in the online shop, that will be added to the sale depending on the method and the destination. Shipping costs outside the EC (European Community) are part of a separate agreement, if they can't be found in the shipping cost.
When paying by prepayment, the customer is bound to wire the open amount including shipping with eight (8) calender days without deductions. Special agreements are possible and need the written approvall by the aviation pilotstore. If the money is not received within eight (8) calender days and after a further payment request, the customer is in default. Valid in any case is the payment receipt on the aviation pilotstore account.
3. Delivery
If you chose prepayment as payment method, the order will be shipped after payment receipt to the address of the buyer. The Aviation Pilotstore ships on five days of the week. If the buyer announced his email address at the time of order placement, a shipping notification will be sent out when the parcel is shipped.
4. Disclaimer
You can cancel your order within 14 days without reasons. The cancellation must be in writing via e-mail, fax, letter or by returning the product(s) within the 14 days period. This period start after receipt of this note in writing, but no earlier than after receipt of the goods at the buyer.
The disclaimer has to be directed to:
The Aviation Pilotstore
Pinksterbloem 66
9761 LT Eelde
In case of a legally effective disclaimer, all mutually received goods and services have to be returned and accured interest has to be paid back. If you can only return the goods received partially or defective, you have to pay value replacement. This is not valid, if the goods were only inspected and opened as it would be when trying out the product while visiting our shop. Please return the goods wrapped and without damaging the product box. You have to pay the shipping for return the product if the product is the product you ordered. Possible payments need to be returned within 30 days. The disclaimer period starts for you by sending us the goods back or a disclaimer and for us when we receive the goods or the written disclaimer.
There is no right of cancellation for the following products:
Spare parts especially made or ordered for you or that can`t be returned becaue of shape.
All sorts of CDs, Videos, DVDs, etc. after they have been opened and seal has been broken.
Products with a short life like database updates, online software, Jeppesen Trip Kits, charts, maps, etc.
Please send back all boxes that are part of the product. Banking charges for wire transfers to a foreign account will be paid by the buyer.
Reasonable partial deliveries are acceptable. During the order process the buyer can choose, whether she or he would like the order to ship complete or partial. Every partial shipment counts as a single delivery and service of work. When ordering products, that are not published at the time of order receipt (for example calendars, new editions, etc.), we will charge the delivery costs for the subsequent delivery as low as possible.
Complaints for incomplete or defective delivery have to be made immediately, seven days after reception of the products at the latest. Damaged boxes/ shipments must be claimed by the buyer right at reception from the freight carrier. Claims for damaged boxes must be made right to the freight carrier.
5. Guarantee
The warranty term that are set by some of the manufacturers. Should a product fail within warranty, the seller has the right to elimination of the faults. In case that elimination fails, the seller can replace the faulty product with an equivalent new product. If that is impossible, the purchase price will be recompensated.
Further claims for damages are excluded. Apparent defects need to be reported to the seller in writing within two weeks after receipt of the goods. The seller is not liable for defects, that are in direct connection to a false or inroad use of the product, for example if a products was taken apart in a wrong way not authorized by the seller or if the operating instructions where not followed. Normal wear is not covered by warranty.
The pure presentation of the product on the website can be regarded as pure technical description and at no time as warranty on the shape and nature of the product.
6. Reservation of propriertary rights
In case the order was not shipped prepayed, the right of property for the goods doesn't transfer to the customer until full payment is received by The Aviation Pilotstore. Before that transfer, the customer can`t sell or give away the product.
7. Final Clause
Dutch Law applies. The application of the UN-Agreement on Contracts on the International Purchase of Goods is excluded.
The provisions of clause 6. leave binding provisions of the state's right, in which the Customer is resident, unaffected, if and as far as the Customer has entered into a purchase contract, which cannot be assigned to the Customer's professional or commercial activity (consumer contract) and if the Customer has taken all legal action in the state of his usual residence which is necessary for the conclusion of a purchase contract.
Place of execution is the Assen ( Netherlands) . For all current and future claims from the business relationship fully qualified traders is Assen (Netherlands). The local place of jurisdiction of the buyer's residence is responsible for all other customers.
These conditions are Translations of the Dutch terms, the Dutch Terms are the one which need to be observed!